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Welcome to Transformation in Metamorphosis (Path to the Heart: Level One), a powerful program by Monica Ramirez, the Warrior of Love, to shift awareness and guide you on the path of transformation to self-realization, growth, and awakening.

The new class will begin Live and Online in

December 15th, 16th and 17th


Image by Greg Rakozy

Ever felt like you don't quite fit in?

What if I told you that you were never meant to fit in? Perhaps, you were made for something greater.

Your unique perspective and the way you see the world may hold the key to creating positive change in the world.


In these uncertain times, it's normal to question everything. The state of our society, the shifts in consciousness, and the chaos around us may leave you feeling confused and unsure. But rest assured, you're not alone.


Many individuals, just like you, are experiencing this awakening, questioning the world and their place in it.

Let your metamorphosis begin!

Have you noticed a shift in your circle of friends?

Old connections falling away while new ones enter your life?

It's a natural part of your growth and evolution. As you embark on the path of transformation, your relationships may transform too, aligning you with individuals who resonate with your new sense of purpose and growth. You have a deep desire to grow, to evolve, and to become the best version of yourself.


This inner calling is a sign that you're ready to embark on a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation. And as you begin this journey, you'll start to notice synchronicities, those meaningful coincidences that seem to guide you on your path, offering glimpses of a greater truth.


As your awareness expands, you naturally raise your standards for how you live your life. You seek greater fulfillment, authenticity, and alignment with your true self. And as a result, your reality begins to shift right before your eyes. You become an active participant in the creation of your own reality, co-creating a life that resonates with your deepest desires.


If any of these experiences resonate with you, then Path to the Heart Level One: Transformation in Metamorphosis is the course you've been seeking.


It's a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and deep transformation. Join us as we delve into the depths of your being, unlocking your true potential and guiding you towards a life filled with purpose, authenticity, and joy.


Transformation in Metamorphosis



Are you ready to embark on a life-changing journey of self-discovery and transformation?


Join us for Path to the Heart: Level One, a comprehensive course that provides you with 17 modules filled with transformative knowledge, guided meditations, activations, and practical exercises.


With access to replays through my portal, you can study at your own time, immersing yourself in the teachings whenever it suits you.


This course offers a unique opportunity to dive deep into your being, awaken your heart's wisdom, and make the transformation you desire. Enroll now and embrace the path to a heart-centered life!


Monica Ramirez the Warrior of Love



She is a Transformational Belief Coach, she help healers, coaches and energy workers to connect to a higher consciousness and heal within, so that they can believe in themselves more deeply, take decisive action in their own lives and facilitate more profound transformations with their own clients. 


She use NLP, BQH, Channeling, and Quantum Healing Techniques to access and reprogram the 'motherboard' of your being so that you can shed the unhelpful beliefs that hold you back, connect to the higher realms, and fulfill your personal and business potential. She is the best seller author in Amazon for Transformation in Metamorphosis. Founder of Path to the Heart a transformational System. 



Our Clients Say

Image by Han Chenxu
Warrior of Love, Monica, is not only an amazing friend to me but has been a great mentor.  When I say that she teaches you to truly just love yourself is an understatement. 
She has been at my side for many years even before she found her purpose as the Warrior of Love. Therefore I know for a fact that her understanding of the human condition is 100% experience driven
Monica has worked with me to get past several early life traumas that affected many aspects my life as an adult. I learned to let go of shame that had manifested into anger. She's helped me to maintain a constant state of self awareness regardless what life hands me situationally. I really have learned to see situations as happening for me and not to me. There are no losses only lessons in life. 

Ruby Ann Avila

Path to the Heart

Live Session

This interactive online course offers a powerful journey of self-discovery and growth. With live sessions led by Monica Ramirez, you'll have the opportunity to engage in real-time discussions, ask questions, and receive personalized guidance. Immerse yourself in the supportive community as you explore the depths of your being, unlock your true potential, and create positive change in your life.


The live session, providing you with direct access to our expert facilitators and the vibrant energy of a shared learning experience.

Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a life-changing journey together with like-minded individuals, as you step onto the path of the heart.


​What includes:


  • Weekly one-on-one with me to work on your own healing process optional and extra.

  • Personalize theta meditation to help you support your healing process.

  • Weekly group class on Zoom for 90 minutes. 

  • WhatsApp access to me for support at any time - reach out and ask your questions so that they are not left until our next scheduled 1:1

  • You'll get access to materials, workbooks, a portal, and all the homework in a convenient location.

  • Recordings of the group programs and your therapies.

  • Also, you'll receive access to a community of like-minded healers via a private Facebook group so you can grow and support each other as a community.

  • Monthly Personalize Akashic Records

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Christine Benavides, Tx

I have received a few services from Monica; I am also in the current Master Channeling Program. From my experiences with her the past few months, I have gained an abundance of knowledge and am incredibly grateful If you’re looking for transformation within, she is your guide!

Abigail Teixeira, CA

I’ve had a few theta healing sessions with Monica. She is a very potent and powerful healer and wise woman. I highly recommend her sessions, her approach is warm, gentle and caring. Monica is very knowledgeable towards many energy healing modalities and will choose the best one on an individual basis. I look forward to many more sessions and eventually learning from her.

Juventino Lozano, IL

Brenda Lozano give me a session, I was scared and excited and did not know what to expect but as I went through my body soul felt light and grounded and lots of pain and many feeling where weighing me down and know I feel tired but without know bad feelings or pain
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Path to the Heart


Embark on a transformative journey at your own pace with Path to the Heart: Self-Study. This comprehensive course offers the same rich content and transformative tools as our live session, allowing you to delve deep into your inner world and create lasting change. With the self-study option, you have the flexibility to study whenever and wherever suits you best. Dive into the 17 modules, access guided meditations, activations, and practical exercises, all from the comfort of your own space.


Priced at $550, the self-study option provides you with the freedom to customize your learning experience, making it ideal for those with busy schedules or a preference for self-paced learning. Empower yourself, awaken your heart's wisdom, and embark on a transformative journey with Path to the Heart.


Have some questions before we begin? I am here if you want to talk before your purchase. Simply book a call in with me and we can connect!

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